Our Commitment to Inclusive Growth

Our purpose is to enable growth, create jobs and improve lives by supporting the individuals and businesses in the communities we work with. We’re passionate about providing innovative solutions that improve employment, skills, investment and enterprise for the benefit of all

We believe everyone should benefit from growth - that’s why we target some of the hardest-to-reach communities across Greater Manchester and beyond. We also help businesses to improve their employment and procurement practices so they can become more inclusive.

Our inclusive growth steering group

While inclusive growth is intrinsic to all the services we deliver, we recognise that as an ‘anchor institution’ we can play an even bigger role in helping to shape the future of the places we support. Therefore, everything we do, both as a provider and as an organisation in our own right, delivers wider benefits than would otherwise be the case.

Driving this approach is a steering group that has brought together representatives from over a thousand employees spread across more than forty sites. This level of focus has affected change to our employment and procurement practices, as well as a continued effort to reduce our environmental impact.

This has resulted in a Social Value Procurement Framework and a new HR system which is enabling us to better track candidates and ensure we are as diverse and representative as the communities we work in. It is also driving social value throughout contract delivery, such as the 43 social value commitments made as part of the Work and Health Programme.

Our commitment to inclusive growth gives us first-hand knowledge that we translate into practical support for the businesses we work with who recognise that being more inclusive will help them boost productivity and profitability.

Case studies

Here are just some of the businesses we’ve supported with their inclusive growth agenda:

HFL Building Solutions

HFL Building Solutions began paying the Real Living Wage after participating in our Executive Development Programme. Commercial Director, Marcus Savile said:

"I am now significantly more effective in the areas of leadership, mentoring and the performance management. As a result of the support delivered by the programme, we have changed our approaches within the workplace, including the introduction of the Real Living Wage across the business."

First Install

Trafford-based First Install is a family-run business that provides professional office installation solutions across the globe.

They were supported by inward investment agency, MIDAS, to relocate to new premises in Trafford Park and worked with our workforce development specialists to undertake a detailed diagnostic of their recruitment, induction, development and management practices. 

This support enabled the company to move employees from zero-hours contracts to guaranteed minimum hours, as well as implement a new pay structure mapped to roles and responsibilities. They are recruiting staff to fill a number of new operational roles across the business with the aim of 10 employees coming from the local area.

Team Karting

Local Rochdale-based entrepreneur, Matty Street, was supported by our Business Growth Hub to find the funding he required to buy an existing track business and develop it with an inclusive growth ethos.

Chatty Café was launched at the Team Karting track to allow residents who suffer from social isolation to use the facilities and interact. An investment was made in two-seater karts for disabled drivers, and they now offer ‘track days’ that are specially designed for children with additional needs. Their work led to a nomination in this year’s National Autistic Society awards.