The Growth Company is committed to playing its part to mitigate the climate change impacts associated with our operation.

Our business accepts the challenge to mitigate impacts associated with our scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions:

  • Scope 1: gas and liquid fuel consumption, refrigerant gases and company vehicle fuel
  • Scope 2: purchased electricity
  • Scope 3: purchased goods and services, capital goods, up and downstream transportation and distribution, business travel and agile working, employee commuting, leased assets, waste, and investments

We recognise the need to prioritise effort on the impacts associated with the activities under our direct control (scope 1 and 2) swiftly and in line with the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to an upper threshold of 1.5 degrees centigrade. We also appreciate the pressing need to mitigate the impacts associated with our value chain (scope 3).

In 2019 The Growth Company announced its intention to be Carbon Neutral by 2023. In February 2022 we updated our commitment to becoming Net Zero across scopes 1, 2 and 3 by 2035. This new commitment reflects our heightened commitment to reduce our carbon emissions across the organisation and provides a clear pathway for action.

We’re proud to pledge our support for the UN’s Race to Net Zero through Business Declares, a fast-growing network of businesses who acknowledge the Climate and Ecological Emergency. Our aim is to continue to reduce our emissions and impact on biodiversity year-on-year, off-setting the remaining carbon through a recognised carbon off-setting scheme, to the point of becoming Net Zero by 2035.

Concern for both people and the planet are not new to us. We’re an award-winning provider of environmental services, having helped Greater Manchester small-medium enterprises save 2 million tonnes of carbon.

We achieved the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System accreditation in 2021. We are also an accredited Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) training centre, with our ‘Journey to Net Zero’ programme an accredited IEMA course and soon to be Level 3 certified.

We look forward to continuing to share our journey and ensuring our voice is part of the collective, resounding call for change. We are certainly not claiming to be perfect, neither are we judging others - instead we’re part of a coalition of the willing, looking to collaborate and accelerate action while continuing to highlight the challenges and uncomfortable truths.

Business Declares, ISO 14001, IEMA Training Centre and IEMA Approved logos

We’re certified as a Carbon Literacy ‘Bronze’ Organisation

So far, over 40 colleagues have attended Carbon Literacy Training, including members of our Senior Management Team. This has enabled us to be accredited as a Carbon Literacy ‘Bronze’ Organisation.

This is a great achievement and means we’re on the first step to becoming a Carbon Literate ‘Silver’ Organisation by 2024.

The Growth Company’s Carbon Literacy Training is a full day of training that’s available to all colleagues across our organisation.

This training helps educate colleagues on climate change so that they feel empowered to take action and feel more confident to have conversations with our service users and signpost them to relevant support.

Carbon Literate Organisation Bronze

Net Zero Impact

Through our services and dedicated commitment to our partners ambitions we have:

Saved 2 million tonnes of carbon


Saved £500 million in energy, material and waste costs

Green Economy

Green Economy is a membership body for the businesses at the heart of the transition to net zero. They increase the visibility of green business and demystify green technology to improve access to the sector, while working with regional leaders to explore and grow the capability of their local green economy.

Journey to Net Zero

Journey to Net Zero is a programme specially designed to help senior decision makers develop a clear plan of action for net zero. Find out about the programme and apply for the next cohort.

Expertise and Thought Leadership

Stay up to date with the latest environmental news with Green Intelligence. Delivered straight to your inbox each month, you’ll stay on top of legislation and meet with local suppliers, with news tailored to your preferences.

Meet Clare Fallon, the Growth Company’s Sustainability Manager

Clare has 12 years’ experience in the sustainability sector, including five years working as an Environmental Business Advisor at GC Business Growth Hub.

Learn more about Clare’s passion for sustainability, find out what her role involves, and discover why GC is a great place to work for anyone who’s passionate about environmental issues.

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