The Growth Company Customer Experience Framework 

Diagram showing the stages of the Growth Company Customer Experience Framework. 1. Surveys, Observations, Quality Assurance Activity, Complaints and Compliments, Direct Feedback from Customers, Associated Third Parties (JCP, Primes). 2. Analyse, Evaluation and Measure. 3. Improvement Activity


The purpose of this Framework is to bring a number of processes and procedures together, and to set out the Growth Company’s (GC) commitment to delivering a high-quality customer experience, but also to meet the following requirements:

  • To outline expectations and minimum standards for service delivery, which is consistent across the Group.
  • To plan and measure the impact of improvement actions required to achieve high-quality customer experience, learning from best practice both internally and externally.
  • To reflect on changing modes of delivery of our services.
  • To embed this consistently high-quality standard of service delivery within a fair and inclusive way in line with our Dignity at Work approach.

Definition of 'Our Customers'

The Growth Company delivers a broad range of services to businesses and individuals and therefore works with a range of customers including:

  • Businesses
  • Learners / Employers
  • Participants
  • Commissioners
  • Stakeholders
  • Internal customers, such as Corporate Teams and other business units
  • Colleagues

High Quality Services

The Growth Company’s Vision, Ambition and Values emphasise our commitment to provide a high-quality service to all our customers. We actively encourage a culture of continual improvement by monitoring and reviewing our performance and services in a systematic manner.  This includes seeking out the views of the customers with whom we engage. When joining our programmes you will be notified of the different ways you can provide feedback, discuss the services you receive and also be advised how you can make a complaint.

What to Expect from GC

No matter how you engage with the Growth Company, we are committed to ensure that the interaction you receive is of a high quality, with our values at the heart of everything we do.

It is our aim to ensure that we understand your needs to maintain a consistently high level of service, in which you can expect a positive experience.

You can expect the Growth Company to align our behaviours with the GC Values:

  • Do the right thing through effective communication
    • To be clear and concise in both written and verbal communication
    • Ensure responses are timely and swift with accurate responses
    • Ensure all communication is of a high standard
    • Our approach ensures the following principles are met:
      • Factual & Correct
      • Open & Honest
      • Ethical
      • Legally compliant
  • Make a positive difference through the services we deliver.  Our GC colleagues:
    • Deliver our services in line with service level agreements and contractual requirements
    • Strive to do an excellent job and meet our customer needs
    • Have enthusiasm and empathy
    • Follow up with customers - before, during and after our initial interaction
  • Operate more strongly together with our customers and building on success
    • GC will always treat our customers with dignity and respect
    • Customer feedback will always be taken seriously and will inform improvements to our service
  • Empowering people
    • Treating everyone fairly and impartially
    • Listen and value the views and opinions of others

What We Expect from Our Customers:

  • To respect and align behaviours with the GC Values
  • To treat our colleagues and each other with dignity and respect at all times, always using appropriate language in conversation with others
  • To treat our colleagues and each other fairly, listening and valuing the views and opinions of others
  • To give us feedback
  • Have high expectations of GC for a first class, quality service
  • Be committed to your programme or service

Our aim is to create a safe and inclusive environment, where people are treated with dignity and respect. We adopt a zero-tolerance approach to any form of behaviour that constitutes bullying, discrimination, harassment and victimisation. We reserve the right to remove our support if a customer's behaviour is not aligned to these standards.

How We Monitor the Customer Experience

We monitor and review our performance against these requirements in a variety of ways, such as:

  • Regular feedback review, such as via surveys, which are undertaken across all of our services including a common set of questions to enable comparison
  • Observations of service delivery
  • Monitoring of complaints
  • Monitoring of compliments
  • Reporting to our Senior Management Team and Board
  • Ongoing colleague training and development

The feedback we receive through these routes is incredibly important to GC to understand if we are meeting the needs of our customers and any improvements we need to make.

Although the core of our service is the delivery and interaction of our programmes, we also recognise other areas of our business as falling within the scope of this framework, such as communications, our websites and social media outlets, our centres, offices and the materials within them.

GC also undergoes various audits and assessment via external bodies which cover aspects of the Customer Experience, and feedback/recommendations are reviewed with appropriate actions taken in response (e.g. ISO9001 – Quality Management Systems, Customer Service Excellence, and Investors in People).

How to Contact Us

If you would like any further information or have any questions regarding GC’s Customer Experience Framework, you can contact us via the below:

Contact Us