Growth Company Responsible Procurement Principles V.1

The Growth Company (GC) is committed to upholding the highest ethical conduct in its activities. We seek to work with businesses and organisations who respect the following values and principles in their business;

Labour Principles

  • Employment is freely chosen. GC has a zero-tolerance approach to the exploitation of workers
  • There is no exploitation of children
  • Living wages are paid as defined by all minimum national legal requirements
  • Working conditions are safe and hygienic
  • Working hours are not excessive and comply with all relevant national legislation
  • No discrimination is practised
  • Regular employment is provided
  • The rights of staff to freedom of association and collective bargaining are respected
  • No harsh or inhumane treatment of staff is allowed

Environmental Sustainability

GC is committed to principles of sustainability and seeks to minimise the impact of our activities on the environment; we look to our partners, suppliers and associates to work with us to achieve these aims and promote environmental sustainability in our business.

The following principles should be considered in the products and services used and supplied to GC;

  • Goods and services should be produced and provided in ways which minimise their embodied energy and the energy they consume over their lifetime
  • Durable product that can be reused, refilled or recharged to extend its life
  • Made of recycled materials, maximising post-consumer content
  • Recyclable after the intended use and diverted from Landfill
  • Non-toxic or minimally toxic, preferable biodegradable
  • Sustainable Sources – recognised certification only Packaging, Transport and Waste
  • Packaging is minimised
  • Packaging used contains high recycled content and is recyclable
  • Schemes for end-of-life equipment and packaging recycling
  • Consideration of transport distances and methods through the supply chain, from source, production through to final delivery point.

Bribery, Corruption and Conflicts

The Growth Company recognises that bribery is contrary to fundamental values of integrity, transparency and accountability and undermines organisational effectiveness. GC staff may not accept gratuity, advantage or personal favour from suppliers or other business partner organisations.

We require our suppliers (including their sub-contractors) and other business partner organisations to show commitment to the prevention, deterrence and detection of bribery and implement effective anti-bribery measures in their business and supply chain.

Furthermore, in principle no company or supplier may attempt to obtain a contract, if there is any direct link, whether through family or interests, with a member of GC staff unless this is properly declared at all stages of the process and that it can be clearly proven that at no point during the procurement process has there been any unfair advantage gained.