This policy applies to all Growth Company (GC) colleagues, associates, secondees, agency staff and third parties who undertake activity for and on behalf of GC. It applies to the goods and services we procure, our direct operations and the services we provide to our customers. GC is committed to creating a sustainable society actively managing our operations in a way that balances our social, environmental and economic objectives. To do this, sustainability considerations are woven throughout a suite of interdependent polices and their procedures, which are implemented collectively in order to deliver the objectives of the Sustainability Policy.
To provide an effective framework for realising GC’s commitment to creating a sustainable society by protecting and where possible enhancing the Group’s social, environmental and economic impacts, preventing pollution, reducing social inequality and driving sustainable economic development as part of a transition to a low carbon future.
All colleagues including associates, secondees, agency staff and third parties are responsible for ensuring that this Policy is adhered to. In addition, those colleagues who procure goods and services should follow GC’s Procurement Policy including the requirement to include social value and environmental considerations which mirror our sustainability objectives. As referenced, some activities within the scope of this Policy are covered by additional dedicated policies and procedures to ensure that the objectives of this Policy are delivered.
GC is a not for profit group of responsible companies that work in partnership with others to enable growth, create jobs and improve the lives of residents and local communities. The group delivers activities across six service areas: Strategy & Research, Business Support & Finance, Education and Skills, Employment, Marketing and Organisation Development Services. With over 1,525 (1,494 FTE) colleagues across 48 sites, the Group recognises that its activities have wide ranging and interconnected impacts on the economy, environment, and society.
In recognising this, GC is committed to contributing to a more sustainable society and to continually improve the positive impacts it makes by:
In order for GC to realise these commitments, sustainability performance is driven by the Chief Executive and the Group’s Senior Management Team, through our:
To realise our sustainability objectives GC both recognises the need for and is committed to communicating these objectives to our suppliers, colleagues, customers and wider stakeholders. This is achieved via our procurement processes, and our existing communication channels to colleagues including the business plan, intranet, newsletters, team briefings and the staff induction processes.
This policy and the actions arising from it will be reviewed annually as part of the business planning process which involves GC’s senior leadership and management teams, with final approval via the GC Board.
Version 7, September 2024