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Growth Company launches UK’s first GenAI-powered business support chatbot

  • Thursday, May 23, 2024
  • Posted By The Growth Company

We’re proud to launch a new GenAI-powered business support chatbot to help as many individuals and companies as possible to successfully navigate the challenges and opportunities of doing business. 

Developed by the Growth Company, this is the first time the software has been used to deliver business support in this way. This technology enhances the services we provide to people and businesses and puts us at the leading edge of business support, whilst expanding our capacity to anticipate and respond to the needs of people and business.

 The Greater Manchester Business Growth Hub, part of the Growth Company, is the first business support organisation in the country to invest in a dedicated chatbot of this kind, enhancing its already successful service.    

The chatbot uses generative AI technology to provide instant access to comprehensive, easily accessible information on a wide range of business issues 24/7. 

The launch of the chatbot has been backed by the Mayor of Greater Manchester.  

Andy Burnham said: “For more than a decade the Greater Manchester Business Growth Hub has been at the forefront of delivering business support and this is another example of the Hub’s ability to adapt and respond to the needs of our business community.   

“As a city-region that has one of the fastest growing economies in the UK, Greater Manchester continues to develop different ways of delivering services, always embracing innovation and emerging technology.    

“In my election manifesto I set out a clear commitment to look at what more could be done to help businesses capture productivity and efficiency gains, this included through the adoption of new technologies like artificial intelligence. The launch of this new GenAI chatbot demonstrates how we are leading the way in the use of technology to help more businesses thrive.” 
Mark Hughes, Growth Company Chief Executive, added: “The launch of this GenAI business support tool, reflects our own organisational approach to embracing the ethical and responsible use of AI at the Growth Company, and the opportunities it will bring to enhance the services we provide to help people and businesses to thrive. By investing in this technology in this way, we are expanding our capacity to anticipate and respond to the needs of people and business. It puts us, and Greater Manchester, at the leading edge of business support.”  
The Growth Company wants to work with city-regions, local authorities and other organisations to help them enhance their business services through the power of AI.   

Richard Jeffery, Director of GC Business, said: “The Growth Company’s GenAI business support chatbot is a step change in our service offer that helps companies get the very best insight and information at a time that is right for them. It is a great addition to our innovation, growth and productivity tools that help us deliver our purpose to enable growth and create jobs across the UK. We look forward to working with local areas to help embed this technology into local business support provision.” 

To find out more get in touch at

Explore the GenAI chatbot at businessgrowthhub