Chris Gray

Board Member

Chris has been based in Manchester since 2001. Through a 25+ year career in professional services at Accenture and AND Digital, Chris has experience in helping clients to drive digitalisation, innovation, and change in the UK and internationally. He has a key interest and focus on making effective use of digital technologies and data.

Chris has a number of additional roles focused in the North West, including as a member of Business in the Community’s North West Regional Advisory Board which he chaired as HRH Prince of Wales' Regional Ambassador for Responsible Business from 2019-2023. Chris is also Chair of the Member’s Board at Prospere Learning Trust and sits on the University of Liverpool Management School’s Advisory Board.

Chris is an impassioned supporter of inclusion and is engaged with a range of organisations across the North West to mentor and coach several LGBTQ+ and female leaders.

Chris completed a BSc at Aston University in International Business and Modern Languages, including study at Grenoble École de Management (France). A keen linguaphile, he speaks French and Spanish fluently and is currently studying German.

Chris Gray headshot