Mandy Parkinson

Board Member

Mandy Parkinson is Professor of Business Innovation at Salford Business School focusing on the development of Innovation clusters that span the digital and sustainable ecosystems, with a passion for building collaborations and digital skills initiatives to support the region.

She is an experienced Executive Coach with a focus on small business owners.

Mandy's previous roles and experience have included: Programme Director of the national Help to Grow: Management Programme, Made Smarter Leadership Programme, and the OPEN SME Programme.

Mandy is principle investigator and lead for the Centre for Digital Innovation, Greater Manchester High Growth Network, Cheshire and Warrington Business Growth programme, Smart Cheshire Innovation Programme and Eco-I NW and joint-lead for the GM Cyber Foundry, GM AI Foundry and PrintCity Network.

Mandy's interests focus on digital skills and the impact of digital technology adoption on productivity within micro and small businesses.

Mandy Parkinson headshot